Monday, March 22, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Oh Boy does it feel like Monday today.
Blue Eyes was so naughty yesterday. He was pretty good at church so we stayed the whole time. But he only took an hour nap afterward and was fussy and clingy all afternoon and evening. Then he woke up this morning in the same state of mind. He was starving but too upset to eat breakfast. He just sat in his chair crying and throwing food. I finally had to spoon feed him his yogurt so he could get enough in his stomach that he could think straight and feed himself. Even after eating he wouldn't let go of my pant leg. It felt like nap time would never come, but it eventually did hopefully he wakes up more like himself.
I try to do a load of laundry everyday so that it doesn't pile up. But over the weekend I washed but didn't fold so now I have five baskets of clean laundry waiting for me. I hate folding and putting away laundry. I'm using blogging as an excuse to avoid it for a few more minutes.
I decided I need to get my eating under control a little better. On Saturday starting a diet on Monday sounded like a good idea but today not so much. Needless to say the emotional eating cravings are kicked in high gear. The left-over cookies from the stake dance (I was in charge of the food) are calling to me. So far I've resisted.
Alright. So this post is just me venting. Hope you enjoyed.