Friday, April 2, 2010

My Square Foot Garden

We've now lived in our house for five years. Every year I talk about planting a garden but with school and work and life in general we never got around to actually putting one in. I've planted a few vegetables (peas and beans) in with my flower beds but nothing grew very well in our clay soil. Well this year I finally got my garden.

I decided to build a square foot garden because my yard is so hilly that I only had a limited about of flat space in my yard for a garden. I also like the idea of being able to get a lot of growth in minimal space with minimal work.

My husband built these lovely raised boxes out of vinyl fencing. We attached a trellis on the north end of each box for vertical growing. We filled two of the three boxes with Mels Mix (I decided only planting in two boxes this year because I don't want to overwhelm myself). We put a grid in each box because in square foot gardening you plant in squares rather than in rows. And I've already planted peas.

As you can see from the picture my son loves the gardens too. Here he is with a handful of dirt. The Easter Bunny is bringing him a sand table; hopefully if he has a designated place to dig he'll stay out of my garden or at the very least be okay with being redirected away from the garden boxes and back to his table.

I'll post more pictures throughout the growing season. Pray for spring!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My First Friday Confessional

I confess...
  1. I used my son's bathwater to give myself a pedicure soak and scrub.
  2. He didn't seem to mind so I'll probably do it again.
  3. I get upset when my husband spends all day working on a project.
  4. Even when its my project.
  5. I haven't gotten out of bed before 8 in over a week.
  6. I finished the last Twilight book about a week ago and I'm missing it.
  7. It was nice to have romance in my life.
  8. I recently got tired of my clothes and purged my closet.
  9. Then I totally went crazy at a clearance sale to fill it back up.
  10. I'm having a bit of buyer remorse because I replaced cheap clothes with more cheap clothes.
  11. This was random.