Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homemade Tree Skirt

Since we've been married I've been collecting ornaments for our Christmas tree. They've taken on a blue and silver theme, including a blue tree skirt with snowmen. Its really cute but for the last year or two I've wanted something more traditional. So when I saw this cute red fabric with gingerbread men I couldn't resist buying it to make a tree skirt.
I really learned a lot of sewing tricks putting it together. I didn't have a pattern, I just made it up as I went, Google-ing if I got stumpted. I pleated and sewed on the ruffle. I made and sewed on some bias tape round the opening. Ta-da!
Oh here is a pic of Blue Eyes, isn't he the most adorable little boy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Confessional

I confess...
-this is my first blog post in almost 6 months.
-my husband is out camping with the guys tonight so I went out to dinner with my little man, then put him to bed early. No cooking and I have the evening to myself.
-I volunteered to help clean the church tomorrow, but I won't be going. Since I am sans husband it sounds like too much of a pain to drag my son to the church at 8am and clean.
-Did I mention that I'm 7 months pregnant and for the past 3 days I've had false labor contractions every time I do anything minimally active like vacuum, carry my son, or walk for more and 10 min. Yet another reason to skip out on my volunteer cleaning.
-Chocolate gives me heartburn when I eat it during pregnancy. But I'd rather use zantac and tums everyday then give up chocolate.
-I entered the HGTV Urban Oasis contest to win an apartment in New York. I've become a little obsessed with it. I know my family of four won't fit in a one bedroom apartment and our life is in Utah but I can't help but daydream that I won that beautiful piece of the big apple.
-I know I won't win the apartment but I plan on dressing up on Monday just in case I get ambushed with the prize. (Yeah I've read all the contest rules and know when the winner will find out).
-That long scratch on my car door that my husband was really upset about and blamed on our son was actually my fault. I didn't tell him it was the baby I just didn't correct him after the accusation.