Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This week my son has started to have major tantrums. I pulled out my old stuff from when I worked as a parent educator. Come to find out the handouts on tantrums were for 16 months old, my sons exact age. So apparently the tantrums are completely developmentally appropriate--knowing that doesn't make it any easier. We've had several long tantrums over not wanting to eat in his high chair, to be strapped in his stroller or carseat, having to come inside after playing and over having to take a nap.
This morning we had a 30 minute tantrum at breakfast. He would not let me strap him into his highchair. I decided that we could eat breakfast over a drop cloth on the floor, picnic style. It wasn't about me winning and making him eat in his chair, nor was it about me giving in to the tantrum and letting him have what he wanted. It was finding a way to meet my real goal; I decided that all I really wanted was for my son to eat his breakfast and to do it sitting somewhere in the kitchen. Crisis averted.
I also thought about the timing of his tantrums. They've gotten increasing more frequent in the last three days. About five days ago I switched him from two naps to one nap. I think perhaps he still needs more sleep during the day and that his tantrums were the result of him being overtired. So today it was back to the old schedule of two naps. It was amazing how much better he was for the rest of the day. Though he also seems to have a cold now so that could be all or part of it as well.
As you all know parenting is an on-going experiment. As soon as you think you know what you are doing all the rules change.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

None of Your Business

This mother's day we spent some time with family. I got so annoyed with Rob's extended family--I got asked four times if I was pregnant. Just for the record I am not. But even if I was that's not something you ask. I felt like my personal boundaries were being repeatedly violated. I believe the conceiving of babies is a very personal thing--between husband and wife (and God). When we're ready to share our joy we'll tell you, until then its a taboo question. What made the whole thing even worse was that no one asked my sister-in-law if she was pregnant. I think I was even referred to as "the baby maker in the family"; what the hey? I have one child.
How do you tactfully deal with this situation?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

French Lingerie

I went bra shopping last weekend. It was quite an adventure. I found out that I am even more chesty that I thought and that no local stores carried my size (H--what the heck?). The fit specialist at JC Penneys even told me that some women pay to have surgery to have what God gave me naturally. I ended up going to Murray (45 minutes from home) to shop at Nordstrom. I purchased 3 bras that were nearly $70 a piece--never thought I'd have to invest that much money on my boobs but it is so worth it. Having bras that fit, support, and flatter is a life saver. And the fact that the bras are French just makes them feel a bit special. I was walking to church the next day with a smirk on my face feeling like I had a secret--I'm wearing french lingerie tee hee hee or is "oh la la" more appropriate?