Saturday, May 1, 2010

French Lingerie

I went bra shopping last weekend. It was quite an adventure. I found out that I am even more chesty that I thought and that no local stores carried my size (H--what the heck?). The fit specialist at JC Penneys even told me that some women pay to have surgery to have what God gave me naturally. I ended up going to Murray (45 minutes from home) to shop at Nordstrom. I purchased 3 bras that were nearly $70 a piece--never thought I'd have to invest that much money on my boobs but it is so worth it. Having bras that fit, support, and flatter is a life saver. And the fact that the bras are French just makes them feel a bit special. I was walking to church the next day with a smirk on my face feeling like I had a secret--I'm wearing french lingerie tee hee hee or is "oh la la" more appropriate?

1 comment:

  1. I take it after you stopped nursing they didn't go down. You make me laugh at your French bras. But you do like anything French.
