Monday, February 15, 2010

Mine is a house of order

My goal as of late has been to improve my home management skills. Thanks to FlyLady I've been going strong for over a week now. I've developed some basic routines for the morning and evening and have been decluttering for at least 15 minutes every weekday.

Now by the time I get the baby out of bed I've exercised, read my scriptures, showered, gotten dressed, and done my hair and face--I feel ready to tackle the world. It's a vast improvement from rolling out of bed when I hear the baby and not finding time until his nap to get myself ready, which can be a total disaster on days he chooses not to nap. My bed is made every day (which is funny because when Rob and I got married we agreed we were okay with not making our bed). My bathroom stays clean and clutter-free. I do a load of laundry every morning (no more no less). All of this is a big change from running in circles trying to figure out what needs to be done the most.

During my scripture study one morning I came to a realization that this is important. It's more than just keeping my house clean and tidy. This life is about practicing for the next life and teaching our children to love the things of God. One of those things is order. By keeping my household running smoothly I am patterning my life and home after His and teaching my son to do the same. I am creating a peaceful atmosphere where my family can feel a little closer to Heaven.

No, I'm not perfect, neither is my home. However I am a little more organized and things are a little more calm and peaceful. I have a little more time to be with my family. I also have a little more time to read, do hobbies, or spend time with friends with a little less guilt.

1 comment:

  1. When I grow up Cassidy - I want to be like you! ;-) thanks for sharing the ideas. I am driving myself insane trying to become more organized and feeling like I just get further and further behind. Glad you decided to blog.
