Monday, February 8, 2010

Spring Fever

I wrapped Blue Eyes in a blanket today and took a walk around our house. Even though there is still a good month of winter left, spring is hinting at what is to come. I noticed the buds on my lilac and snowball bush. My daffodils, tulips, crocuses, iris and other bulbs are starting to peak out of the ground. It was beautiful and exciting.

The next thing I did was take inventory of my seeds in the garage. I really want to start gardening. My goal for the year in this area is to build some garden boxes and plant a vegetable garden. In the past I've only planted a few beans, peas, and other simple things in among my flowers. Now that I live with someone who eats vegetables (my son, my husband does not) I can plant a few more things and know they will get eaten.

Trying to garden with a baby at my feet will be interesting. Last year I did take Blue Eyes out with me when I picked strawberries but he was little enough that he just laid on the blanket and enjoyed the sun. We'll see how much dirt he eats.

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